Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Welcome to our blog!

Thanks to Stacye's technical prowess, we now have our Ray Family Blog up and running. We thought this would be a fun and mildly creative way to stay in touch with you--our family and friends--during our time away at seminary.

Please bookmark our site, http://rayfamilylife.blogspot.com/ and check back often for updates. We'll soon add news of our cross-country adventures (2 adults, 2 little girls, and only about 3 days' worth of clothes for 10 days in our 10-year-old sedan). We'll also soon post family pictures and regularly keep you apprised of our high-fallutin' seminary life.

And we invite and encourage you to frequently post your witty remarks...or just remarks, even if they're not particularly witty. Feel free to share our blog with friends and family, too. We look forward to staying connected with you through the wonders of the world wide web.

So, here's to Greek verbs, starched black-and-white collars, and our new adventure with God leading the way!

With God's love and richest blessings,
Don and the girls


  1. Ooohhh. How 21st century you are. Even I don't have a blog. Neato.


  2. Stacye's the 21st century one, not me. Evidence? My cell phone can't even take pictures... :-)


  3. Our prayers and love go with you. We are praying for safe travel and good health for all. How exciting for you.
    Many Blessings, Linda & Jerry Boulett

  4. God Bless you throughout your new adventure! We will miss you greatly but now God will be able to share you and your family with so many new people in St Louis.

    Love, Bill and Heidi Taube

  5. How glad Dean was to finally meet you last night at the wedding. He now has the face to the name in our prayers!We wish you safe, enjoyable and memorable travels.God's blessing upon your new life adventure.
    The Millers

  6. Paula-n-Dean,

    God bless you both for your prayerful and loving support. It was a blessing for me (Don) to meet Dean and see you both as well. You're welcome to come paint the town of St. Louis red anytime!

    Love and blessings,
    Don & co.
